Dear Me,
This is me trying to make you see how things really are.
You are born to be great. Deep down your heart, you know it. You exist in this life to make a difference, to change someone's life and to leave an impact behind when it's time to go.
It isn't easy. We all know it's damn hard, but it's your destiny, a destiny that you can't escape from. You are a solider on a mission and it's your job to find your mission and to accomplish it succesfully.
You may not see the end of the road or your final mission's goal, but standing still and doing nothing won't make it any clearer.
Set down and find your next small step and do it today. Learn something new, help someone in need, or put yourself together. Whatever you choose, do what will make your day counts. Make each moment counts and stop wasting your life here on earth.
And always remember, clock never stops ticking.
Tick-tock .. tick-tock .. tick-tock ..